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WOLF GARTEN: The Multi Change System for Gardening Tools

Hannah 637 days ago View Comments

The Multi Change System for Gardening Tools

With warmer weather just around the corner, it means we can get back into our gardens and start regular maintenance. To make tasks easier, having the right tools is vital to cultivate, maintain lawn care and prune trees and shrubs.

Storing equipment can be quite frustrating and take too much room in our sheds. Therefore, Wolf Garten has created a solution to swap and change tool heads for various different handles, which customises tools to your gardening needs.

Advantages of multi-change® system?

  • Designed to be simple, by swapping and changing device heads with a simple click.
  • Device heads can fit multiple handle options
  • Handles come in different lengths to suit everyone
  • Can withstand hard working conditions
  • Special coating making tools more durable and weather resistant
  • 35 year guarantee

The ability to customise tools also means less backache. The idea that one size doesn't fit all, means that you can purchase a handle length that is more appropriate to make gardening much easier.

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